Торт наполеон

Торт «Наполеон» — один из самых популярных десертов, русский советский мильфей. Существует несколько легенд о происхождении торта. Самая известная: пирожное приготовили русские повара к столетию побега Наполеона Бонапарта из России. Пирожное выпекалось в форме треугольника, который символизировал шляпу Наполеона, сахарная крошка на верхушке торта отсылала к суровой русской зиме, которая напугала и прогнала французов, а его склонность к рассыпчатости при первом движении — символ победы над наполеоновской армией. Конечно, в других странах существует своя версия происхождения знаменитого торта, но принцип приготовления остается неизменным: тонкие коржи теста, которые соединяют сладким заварным кремом.

  1. Для теста 1,5 кг муки (6 стаканов) высыпать на рабочую поверхность. 500 грамм масла выложить на муку и мелко порубить ножом, чтобы масло начало смешиваться с мукой. Сформировать из этой массы горочку.
  2. Холодную, но не ледяную воду смешать с солью и постепенно вливать в центр мучной горочки, постоянно перемешивая всю массу. Когда вся вода влита, тщательно перемешать, чтобы получилось однородное тесто.
  3. Тесто разделить на 9 равных частей. Коржи раскатывать толщиной максимум 2 мм на поверхности, посыпанной мукой, и выпекать 15–20 минут в предварительно разогретой до 180 градусов духовке.
  4. Для крема 2,5 литра молока поставить на огонь.
  5. Пока молоко закипает, в миске смещать яйца и сахар. Добавить в массу муку и все тщательно перемешать. После этого влить оставшееся молоко (0,5 литра) и смешать до однородности.
  6. Когда молоко хорошо нагреется, влить в него тоненькой струйкой яичную массу, непрерывно помешивая. Не переставая мешать, довести крем до кипения и выключить сразу, как на поверхности появятся пузыри. В горячий крем добавить 100 грамм масла и ванилин. По желанию можно добавит еще сахар.
  7. Торт «собрать» на блюде, обильно промазывая каждый корж кремом. Крема много, поэтому не экономьте, пускай стекает по бокам — тогда коржи хорошо пропитаются. Один корж, наиболее румяный, раскрошите и посыпьте им верхушку и бока готового торта.
  8. Дайте торту настояться, и через 6–7 часов можете наслаждаться!

При 9 коржах каждый из них получится около 30 см в диаметре. Поэтому, если вы хотите сделать торт поменьше, поделите тесто на большее количество частей, таким образом торт будет расти в высоту, а не в ширину. Когда вы поделите тесто, держите части в холодильнике и доставайте по одной порции, чтобы раскатать. Так как тесто содержит много масла, при комнатной температуре оно станет слишком мягким, и вы не сможете раскатать корж. Готовому крему дайте немного остыть перед тем, как промазывать коржи.


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A bakery (aka, baker’s shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises.

Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for them frequently for important occasions such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked goods vigorously continued and the first bakers’ guild was established in 168 BC in Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe and expanded into the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers started baking breads and goods at home and selling them out on the streets.

This trend became common and soon, baked products were getting sold in streets of Rome, Germany, London and many more. This resulted in a system of delivering the goods to households, as the demand for baked breads and goods significantly increased. This provoked the bakers to establish a place where people could purchase baked goods for themselves. Therefore, in Paris, the first open-air bakery of baked goods was developed and since then, bakeries became a common place to purchase delicious goods and get together around the world. By the colonial era, bakeries were commonly viewed as places to gather and socialize.[2] World War II directly affected bread industries in the UK. Baking schools closed during this time so when the war did eventually end there was an absence of skilled bakers. This resulted in new methods being developed to satisfy the world’s desire for bread. Methods like: adding chemicals to dough, premixes and specialised machinery. Unfortunately these old methods of baking were almost completely eradicated when these new methods were introduced and became industrialised. The old methods were seen as unnecessary and financially unsound, during this period there were not many traditional bakeries left.


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Strawberry cake is a cake that uses strawberry as a primary ingredient.[1] Strawberries may be used in the cake batter, atop cakes and in a strawberry cake’s frosting. Some are served chilled or partially frozen, and they are sometimes served as a Valentine’s Day dish. The cake has been served as part of the events at the Strawberry Festival in the La Trinidad, Benguet municipality of the Philippines.
Strawberry cakes may be prepared with strawberries in the batter, with strawberries atop them, with strawberries or a strawberry filling in between the layers of a layer cake,and in any combination thereof. Some are prepared with strawberries incorporated into a frosting. Fresh or frozen strawberries may be used. Some may utilize strawberry-flavored gelatin as an ingredient, which can give the cake a pink color when it is mixed in with the batter. A garnish of strawberries is used on some strawberry cakes. Strawberry cake may be prepared as a gluten-free dish.

Some versions are served chilled,and some are frozen and then served in a partially frozen state. Ricotta cheese is sometimes used as an ingredient in the cake batter or as a topping. Strawberry cake is sometimes prepared using a prepared cake mix as a base, such as a white cake mix, upon which additional ingredients are added to the batter or atop the cake. It is sometimes prepared and served as a dish on Valentine’s Day.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi piscing elit.

Strawberry cake is a cake that uses strawberry as a primary ingredient.[1] Strawberries may be used in the cake batter, atop cakes and in a strawberry cake’s frosting. Some are served chilled or partially frozen, and they are sometimes served as a Valentine’s Day dish. The cake has been served as part of the events at the Strawberry Festival in the La Trinidad, Benguet municipality of the Philippines.
Strawberry cakes may be prepared with strawberries in the batter, with strawberries atop them, with strawberries or a strawberry filling in between the layers of a layer cake,and in any combination thereof. Some are prepared with strawberries incorporated into a frosting. Fresh or frozen strawberries may be used. Some may utilize strawberry-flavored gelatin as an ingredient, which can give the cake a pink color when it is mixed in with the batter. A garnish of strawberries is used on some strawberry cakes. Strawberry cake may be prepared as a gluten-free dish.

Some versions are served chilled,and some are frozen and then served in a partially frozen state. Ricotta cheese is sometimes used as an ingredient in the cake batter or as a topping. Strawberry cake is sometimes prepared using a prepared cake mix as a base, such as a white cake mix, upon which additional ingredients are added to the batter or atop the cake. It is sometimes prepared and served as a dish on Valentine’s Day.


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Rum balls are a truffle-like confection of sweet, dense cake or biscuit material flavoured with chocolate and rum. They are roughly the size of a golf ball and often coated in chocolate sprinkles, desiccated coconut, or cocoa. As their name implies, these cookies contain rum. Because they are not baked, the alcohol flavour and kick are not lost during preparation. This cookie is especially popular during the holiday season.
Typical Danish rum balls with different kinds of sprinkles
Rum balls are a popular Christmas treat in England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Denmark (where they are called romkugler and enjoyed all the year round).

There are many different ways to make rum balls, as recipes vary from region to region and family to family. All rum balls must include chocolate and rum, but the rest of the ingredients vary in kind, form, and amount.

To make rum balls, the cake (or biscuit) material is crushed and mixed with cocoa and a moist binding ingredient, such as jam or condensed milk. Other optional ingredients can also be added, such as nuts. When the mixture holds together firmly, it is rolled into balls and then coated.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi piscing elit.

Rum balls are a truffle-like confection of sweet, dense cake or biscuit material flavoured with chocolate and rum. They are roughly the size of a golf ball and often coated in chocolate sprinkles, desiccated coconut, or cocoa. As their name implies, these cookies contain rum. Because they are not baked, the alcohol flavour and kick are not lost during preparation. This cookie is especially popular during the holiday season.
Typical Danish rum balls with different kinds of sprinkles
Rum balls are a popular Christmas treat in England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Denmark (where they are called romkugler and enjoyed all the year round).

There are many different ways to make rum balls, as recipes vary from region to region and family to family. All rum balls must include chocolate and rum, but the rest of the ingredients vary in kind, form, and amount.

To make rum balls, the cake (or biscuit) material is crushed and mixed with cocoa and a moist binding ingredient, such as jam or condensed milk. Other optional ingredients can also be added, such as nuts. When the mixture holds together firmly, it is rolled into balls and then coated.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi piscing elit.

Clementine cake is a cake prepared with clementine fruit as a primary ingredient and other typical cake ingredients. Additional ingredients may be used, and some preparation variations exist. It may be prepared using whole or peeled clementines that have been manually-seeded, or seedless fruit may be used. It may provide significant amounts of Vitamin D. It may be topped with a sweet glaze or sauce, powdered sugar, honey and clementines or candied clementines. Its origin may be roughly based upon an orange cake developed by the Sephardi Jews. In popular culture, the cake played a minor part in the plot of the 2013 film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Preparation and variations
Clementine cake is prepared with the primary ingredients of clementine fruit, ground almonds or almond meal, flour, sugar, butter and eggs. Additional ingredients may be used, such as orange juice, orange muscat, milk, white dessert wine, or Rieslingwine, orange oil or tangerine oil (or both),almond extract and vanilla extract.Some variations exist, such as being prepared without the use of flour. It may also be prepared as an upside-down cake.

The cake may be prepared with clementines and/or clementine zest mixed in the batter, with them atop the cake, such as in slices, and in both ways The seeds and membrane of the clementine may be removed as part of the preparation process,or seedless clementines may be used. Whole, sliced clementines including the peel, or peeled clementines may be used, and the clementines may be cooked before being used in the cake batter. The fruit may be chopped or blended using a food processor.Candied clementine may be used atop the cake or as a garnish. The almonds used may be toasted or blanched.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi piscing elit.

Clementine cake is a cake prepared with clementine fruit as a primary ingredient and other typical cake ingredients. Additional ingredients may be used, and some preparation variations exist. It may be prepared using whole or peeled clementines that have been manually-seeded, or seedless fruit may be used. It may provide significant amounts of Vitamin D. It may be topped with a sweet glaze or sauce, powdered sugar, honey and clementines or candied clementines. Its origin may be roughly based upon an orange cake developed by the Sephardi Jews. In popular culture, the cake played a minor part in the plot of the 2013 film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Preparation and variations
Clementine cake is prepared with the primary ingredients of clementine fruit, ground almonds or almond meal, flour, sugar, butter and eggs. Additional ingredients may be used, such as orange juice, orange muscat, milk, white dessert wine, or Rieslingwine, orange oil or tangerine oil (or both),almond extract and vanilla extract.Some variations exist, such as being prepared without the use of flour. It may also be prepared as an upside-down cake.

The cake may be prepared with clementines and/or clementine zest mixed in the batter, with them atop the cake, such as in slices, and in both ways The seeds and membrane of the clementine may be removed as part of the preparation process,or seedless clementines may be used. Whole, sliced clementines including the peel, or peeled clementines may be used, and the clementines may be cooked before being used in the cake batter. The fruit may be chopped or blended using a food processor.Candied clementine may be used atop the cake or as a garnish. The almonds used may be toasted or blanched.


Abagail Watson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.